Tuesday 25 March 2014

Perth 2013 - Day 9 - Perth City Bus, Home sweet home

Today started another relaxing day again. The last breakfast is at Bocelli where I ordered the banana bread with salad. I love how the rich taste of banana is blended into the bread or does that taste more like a cake! I got confused now! But nonetheless, the great espresso to end off the meal.

Breakfast at Bocelli 

Next up, back to the city bus to explore the other places we had yet to done so yesterday. Today, we visited the casino and well, tried our luck there. Win or Lose? 

More of the Perth City Bus

We could not do much today as we had a plane to catch. Thus, off to Jamie's for a relaxing lunch. I had heard pretty much of Jamie's, they have a branch in Singapore as well. But I heard that the waiting list was long. Trying our luck to get a table and well, an hour of wait was their reply to us. Good that we still have sufficient time for that. 

While waiting, we went to shop around. You need not be physically there for the wait. So get a queue number and off you go!

I ordered the seafood pasta and well truffle fries. Though we had our fair share of fires in Perth for the last few days, truffle fries was really 'seducing' us. 

The pasta was (we read off the board) made fresh everyday with love by the chef. Love the taste of the sauce and of course, the seafood was indeed fresh. Enjoyed my meal there!

Last Late Lunch at Jamie's 

Took a cab to the airport as the airport shuttle bus was not in service. They have some standard operating hours. So do take note if you are thinking of taking it. The cab fare was around AUD50 and the ride was quite smoothing with not much of a jam to start off with. 

So, good thing about an evening flight was that the beautiful sunset will accompany you to sleep. And till we meet again in Australia, Good day!

The lovely sunset to end the beautiful trip. Good Day!

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