Wednesday 19 March 2014

Perth 2013 - Day 7 - Swan Valley, Cottesloe beach

Good morning on a Boxing day and when you opened the door, this is what you get. I never got tired of the view I had in Keller's and I am starting to miss the simple life there. Don't be deceived that it was late morning. I think it was merely 8am. As per the previous day, we woke up thinking that we overslept. We should really get use to it man! After washing up, I decided to capture more photos of the place. 

Keller's B&B 

Breakfast was served on time and like the previous morning, we got to choose the eggs and beverages to go with the rest of the items. Marija is very proud of her home made products that she took time to go through the food on the table - from the jams to the yoghurt. I really loved the breakfast there. They should also consider doing maybe a all day breakfast menu or offer to cook lunch or dinner as a service. 

Breakfast, Love it!

After breakfast, we packed up to leave for Perth City again as we knew that shops weren't opened on boxing day as well in Swan Valley. I guessed we really made a wrong choice to visit this place during the Christmas period but it was really a totally different experience. Before we left, we saw Philip milking the cow again and finally, we tried it too. Good. It was also during this time that we got to know more about the family and with him sharing his vision and dreams with us. 

We also asked Marija that we needed their car service back to the train station as we knew that we could no longer walk back the long journey. As they operated a farm, a ride of 15 minutes to the train station and back, it would have eaten into their livelihood. So they do charged for such transport service which I thought was fair. Marija took us with her and well, she wanted to bring us to certain shops in swan valley but they were all closed. What a pity and I was a bit surprised that they do not really tour round their area. 

Back in Perth City and after checked in to Ibis hotel once again, we proceeded to Chinatown. A very small and forgotten area in Perth, I guessed. It was quite different from the Chinatown I visited in Sydney and Melbourne. It is not that big an area as compared to the other two. Well, Lunch was up and who can resist dim sums and after days of breads and chips, chinese food proved to be a delicacy to us! 


Alright, I have to say that Boxing day was really a big thing in Perth - almost all shops were having sales and people would queue overnight just to be the first to rush into the departmental store. Sales sales, who can resist it. We combed a bit of the sales places and decided that Cottesloe Beach was next. We had added this in on our departure day so recommended by friend and I was glad we made it there for the sunset. 

The train ride was not that far and the walk to the beach was easy. As it was not time for the sun to set, we decided to grab some dinner first. We first walked into an Italian restaurant but we did not stay on. Luckily we did not, if not, I think we would have missed the sunset. Then we saw Amberjacks at the end of the street and well, there was a queue. As usual, long queue would mean that the food could not been too bad. We queued and ordered the food, but the wait was pretty long. We decided a takeaway to enjoy dinner at the beach area. Smart Move. Here's the fish and chips with the sunset view - Priceless!

Cottesloe Beach
2 more days in Perth! Sad!

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