Wednesday 29 January 2014

Osaka Ohsho Raffles City, Once again.

Lunch date with the ex-colleagues was really a challenge - working at four different companies now, the most centralised place to meet for lunch was at Raffles City. Lunch crowd is something that I hate most but is something that is unavoidable. Lucky for us, there is this one person with 2 hours lunch break. Thus, she volunteered to order food for us. 

Venue was decided to be at Osaka Ohsho. I have decided what I wanted to eat after my first visit there last December - Fuwatoro Tenshin Han Set. The Gyoza was a must and since it is lunch, rice is very important to me too. I have read some good reviews on the Fuwatoro Tenshin Han and thus, been wanting to try it . 

The first look at it, it looked like omelette soaked in thick gravy - A very normal appearance but well, it was really nice. The fluffy omelette upon slicing into, revealed steaming Japanese rice. The first look was quite alarming as it was really a bowl of rice - but I loved it as it was rich in flavour. The gravy really complemented the egg and rice. And with the pan fried gyoza, this meal really made a wonderful lunch date with the girls. Like what I mentioned before the gyoza was cripsy on the outside and super juicy for the fillings. Yumz. 

A great lunch that cost SGD12.90 before gst!

Fuwatoro Tenshin Han Set

#B1-75 Raffles City Shopping Centre, 

252 North Bridge Road Singapore 179103

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