Saturday 31 May 2014

TCC Time!

Had wanted to try TCC's breakfast but we did not know that TCC Vivocity does not serve breakfast. What a waste. Thus, we had to go for the usual menu which I have tried many of the dishes. 

So today, for a change, I ordered the Scallop and Baby Crayfish Baked Rice. It was served fast, way faster than the pastas which the rest ordered. I almost finished my dish before theirs were served to the table. Well, this baked rice was not bad. TCC is quite generous with the ingredients. Every mouth was almost completed with the japanese rice, the scallops, the baby crayfish and the shimeji mushrooms. The seafood was relatively fresh. But I guess, the salad garnish could have been more so that it will neturalise the cheese taste after half the bowl was down the stomach! Not a bad dish, should try!

Sis chose the Prawn Cheese-a-toast to share among us. I did not much impression of me having this dish previously. It was really a seafood treat for the day. The baguette slice formed the based on this baked dish topped with prawns and cheese. I thought the baguette slice could have been crispier. The prawn was almost the size of the baguette which I thought was great!

Last but not least, a drink to complete the meal. I chose the Litchi Raspberry Duet which is a smoothie blended with raspberry and lychee. And to make it better, they decorated the drink with the fresh fruits as well. You get to drink and eat them. It was a little bland, I thought. 

I really would like to try the breakfast someday though!

Scallop and Baby Crayfish Baked Rice, Prawn Cheese-a-toast, Litchi Raspberry Duet

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